Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Coloradical: A trip home

“Home is where you go to find solace from the ever changing chaos, to find love within the confines of a heartless world, and to be reminded that no matter how far you wander, there will always be something waiting when you return.” 
 Kendal Rob

A return to home after 2 years of being away. 2 years of life changing experiences, of sorrows and joys, new friends and new happy memories, and of course 2 years of missing my home like crazy. Its funny when you realize that something you've always thought you wanted to escape from turns out to be the thing you cherish the most. I have come so far from the arrogant young twenty something who demanded that the world bend to her wishes. When you move away from home for the first time, to a new state with new customs, strange inhabitants, and away from everything familiar you find your self humbled in such a shocking way that it forces you to open your eyes a little wider.

Having spent 2 years in San Diego, my husband and I have grown so much. We have learned a lot about being on our own and becoming independent, about our relationship and the twists and turns that keep leading us on a path together, our hopes and aspirations, and how to adapt in an entirely new setting. When we started in California we had our plan, our savings, our adventurous spirit and a little bit of fear. There were times that were fun and exciting and others that were down right scary. After getting awfuly close to hitting the bottom of our funds, eventually they level out. We were getting a little tired of the game and worried about the already shattered expectations which meant there would be more to come. Moving away from everyone you know to start a new life, we found, is very challenging. But to see where we have come from that time amazes me. We live just two blocks from the ocean, we have amazing friends and we are so incredibly happy. We are humble and we have no regrets, for the obstacles and challenges led us through this amazing life that is not afraid to take chances.

So here I am two years in to my adventures in San Diego, finally finding balance in my life.  Just a few months into this summer, I heard about a reunion for all of the old lifeguards from Water World, a water park where I spent over 8 awesome summers of my young adult life. How could I miss an opportunity like that? Its been too long since i've paid a visit to that wonderful playground where I came of age. So inspired by the chance to see old friends I arranged to visit over 28 years of my life in a matter of 3 days. A task quite daunting yet wondrously intriguing. You always wonder who, of all your past friends and family, would actually come to see you after so many years.  And how sweet it would be to see my home in my favorite season of summer after a few days of rain, so green and fresh.  People ask me all the time here in San diego what colorado is like. They are often of the disillusion that we all live in the mountains, and wear cowboy boots, and ride elk to work.  The idea of home had been burning in my mind for a long while this year so I decided to take the opportunity.

B L O O D   I S   T H I C K E R   I N  W A T E R  W O R L D
 Here she is....my original beach. Many of my days as a teenager were spent at this pool every summer. As a pass holder from 1994-99 and a lifeguard and supervisor from 2000-2008 it would be easy to say that Water World felt like home. It was a place to grow; somewhere to learn how to be responsible while still making time to be silly and have fun. It is where I learned how to be "professional" when situations called for it, how to be social with hundreds of people every day, how to motivate sullen teenagers to get to work, how to work with a hangover in 90 degree weather, about loyalty and how to create and maintain relationships that would lead to ever lasting friendships. Yep its all there. When I walked in to the park the backdrop of a gorgeous colorado sky had scattered clouds in the distance over the rockies churning and building, but still slow enough to give us a beautiful sunny afternoon.
I met my husband right under those trees

Many days were spent at this poolside in the hot summer sun. Soaking up the rays and checking out all the sun-kissed cuties in the pool. At the reunion we hugged and gushed over photos and stories from our past; glorious adolescent memories that shaped our lives.  We talked about our lives "post-water world" sharing photos of our pets and babies and telling the tales of our travels and life in the work force. One thing was for sure, we had missed this place and each other. It was amazing to see everyone so grown up yet still the same awesome person I remembered.

I got to enjoy a day at the pool with my friends and also my little brother. He has grown up so much, with a big ol manly mustache and full time job. Getting the chance to have a sleep over with your little brother at your dad's house doesn't come everyday, I was truly blessed to spend quality time (while not nearly long enough) with my family.

This young man has always inspired me to go my own way, to laugh in the faces of those who doubt you. With a quite confidence all his own, he marches to his own beat. I am truly amazed and undeniably proud of him.

A  T O U R  O F  M Y   L I F E
In a weekend and half a monday, i managed to tour almost every part of town that i would consider home. From way down south of Denver in Parker to as far west as Boulder. During every car ride, I was overwhelmed with child like wonderment. I snapped pictures left and ride, oohed and ahhed at everything new, and pined over old stomping grounds. We drove down main street through Broomfield, as I pointed, "There is my doctors office...my dentist.... oh my mom used to go to that bank....there is the library, the skatepark..." As we drove through the park near the city buildings I remember watching fourth of july fireworks as a kid, in the back of my dads pick up. Both rides to and from boulder left me in awe at its beauty and both times lead to a gasp as we reached the crest of US-36 as it opens into a panorama of mountains and lakes and it all surrounds the town of Boulder, Colorado. 

Each mile into town I was giddy with excitement to be back in the town where I battled for my bachelors degree, went to parties, went out "on the hill", studied in the park, went tubing down the creek, took in free shows on pearl street and spent too much time day dreaming. College was awesome and even though our football team usually sucks...go Buffs! I bleed black and gold baby.

Thank god its a place to be ridiculous....

W O R L D S   C O L L I D E
I've recently realized how lucky I am  to have such a caring network of friends and family. No matter where I go, they are  always going to be there for me.  It was as if no time passed when I would sit and visit with everyone. But what was more amazing was to see them coming together. Seeing my friends become friends with each other gives me a feeling I can't even describe but its pretty darn close to sheer joy

I got to see old friends from high school and we laughed at old inside jokes, I saw family friends who've known me since I was a tiny kiddo, and the circle of friends who supported us in our last colorado days, even though they didn't want us to leave. Of course missing my husband (who couldn't make the trip) and wishing we'd move back many still said they were proud and happy for us. Saying goodbye that night wasn't easy, a tear or two were shed, but it seemed apparent that we would all continue to be in each others lives and that time will keep moving us forward but as long as we stop for a minute to remember where we came from we can keep it all with us as march along into the unknown future. 
 My absolute best friends growing up in Colorado... all in the same place at the same time. My cup runith over with love for this picture.

I remember telling my friend that I was a mile high in so many ways, referring to the overwhelming feelings of love  from my friends and family and homesickness being cured. I felt as if I could die right then after having this sort of "life flashing before my eyes" experience. I have never in my life experienced something that I could compare to this visit home. Colorado opened her arms wide and gave a warm welcome home.  As if I came to pay pilgrimage to the mother land, I embraced all of it with gratitude and feeling incredibly blessed.

It feels good to be home, here in San diego where i have created another wonderful chapter in my life's vibrant story. I am happy to be back home with my boy Boston and my wonderful husband who supported this trip. I am approaching my 29th birthday this fall, my last year of my twenties. This trip was so appropriately timed for this upcoming milestone year. So far I can say that after this trip, I can remember that the last 28 years have been pretty amazing.

What will you do with this, your one and only life.
                        I will live

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