Friday, March 22, 2013

DAGS? You mean dogs? yeah I like Dags.

When your dog is your child, whether it be due to the fact that don't have kids or don't want kids they become the center of your universe.

That being sad, all kids furry or otherwise know exactly how to turn you into a sucker.

Look at this face----------------->
Boston was because he is a spolied brat we took him for a play date.

 This adorable little couple had an adorable little puppy!

 Boston does two things at the dog park, he wanders around for about 5 mins and then...
he poses for pictures

 We've been in San Diego for almost a year now, and we've made tons of new friends. In a new place it means so much to us to create a new "family", new characters to our story. Josie and Brett have their own "Kids", Bailey and Beau. They came to join us at the dog park in OB.

B A I L E Y 

I S 

F A S T 

B E A U 

I S 

N O T 
But he makes friends with his cute smile

 Bailey prefers to run..
It'll will be bretts arm that gives up first.

Then there is this scenario.
That corgi has stolen the ball and will not give it up. He has multiple dogs and children running circles to get him.
until he turned around to chase them back.

Turning a simple pleasure into a great adventure. It is the little things in life; new friends, watching dogs be dogs, or being the weirdo taking pictures of strangers at the dog park. I love this amazing and sometimes perfectly humble life.

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Yo....drop it like its hott!